

Looking for a Hostel in Ulaanbaatar near the Train Station and International Airport?This is the ideal choice for you.Situated only 3 minutes walk from Central Train Station and 8 Minutes to the Main Peace Avenue.Here you will find really spotless,safe,quite atmoshpere and low-cost accommodation.We also provide memorable safe journeys with experienced local drivers and English speaking guides to discover real nomadic lifestyles and traditions that only real Mongolians know.We are Rolling Stones LLC tour company operates Blue Marmot Hostel in Ub.We know the tip to see real Mongolia.We offer all the specialized services required to your interests and needs,among the services offered by the company stands out the coordination of itinerary.Why don’t you travel with us to arrange a budged,reliable,competitive,guarenteed tours and see more Mongolia. Specielaized in cultural adventure tour throughout Mongolia.Our tours offer insight into Nomadic tradition and Culture.Unforgettable Experience with help of multiple local experts,local activities,local cuisines and lots more,.

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