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Founded not long after Mongolia has opened its doors to tourism, Gobi Discovery Tour is a travel company that owns and operates tourist ger camps (traditional yurt shaped houses), a hotel and Cross-nomadic journeys in remote, picturesque destinations of Mongolia. We aim to create responsible tours to our natural reserves and unspoilt destinations, while making utmost effort to conserve the environment and improve the welfare of the nomads.We propose a new way of traveling based on in-depth exploration of the surroundings and variety of interesting adventure possibilities by avoiding a fixed program and long distance travels. What we offer to our customers is a close contact with the unspoiled nature and nomadic Mongols, as well as responding to spontaneous wishes of the group.Our office is located at the heart of the Ulaanbaatar city, close to the Chinggis square. We are situated within the walking distance to all main roads and major bus lines .Our team members have been personally involved in travel and tourism for many years and we know all of our travel destinations from our own experience. This experience and the knowledge is gathered into flow of our programs and the personal advice for our travel participants. Our explorations are what make us distinct, that’s why we are aiming constantly to develop new routes.The satisfaction of our customers is our top priority. We are pleased to advise you on your travel needs and to answer all your questions.

Үнэлгээ өгөх

Хариулт үлдээнэ үү

Таны имэйл хаягийг нийтлэхгүй. Шаардлагатай талбаруудыг * гэж тэмдэглэсэн

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IT үйлчилгээ, ecommerce, e-learning үйлчилгээ үзүүлж МУ-ын ААН-ын нэгдсэн сүлжээ болон гадаад багштай онлайн сургалт, сургууль ажиллуулдаг. Манай вэв хуудас болон апп-аар компанууд өөрсдийгөө дотоод, гадаадад сурталчилж, шууд холбогдож, бүтээгдхүүнээ зарах боломжтой. Улмаар аялал жуулчлал, хөдөө аж ахуй, мал аж ахуйн бүтээгдхүүн боловсруулах, үндэсний үйлдвэрлэлийг дэмжиж, малчдын орлогыг нэмэгдүүлэх, экспортын бүтээгдхүүн үйлдвэрлэхэд нь туслах эрхэм зорилготой.