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Чингис хааны хүрээ жуулчны бааз / Chingis khaanii khuree Tourist camp

Жаргалантын ам, Буят Ухаа, Хан-Уул дүүрэг , Улаанбаатар хот Mongolia

Chinggis Khaan Khuree/PalaceHotels & ResortsLying in the vicinity of Mongolia’s capital, Ulaanbaatar, Chinggis Khaan Khuree/Palace signifies the true Mongolian traditions, where they have put to a life. Palace is basically a mega gher complex that serves as a resort for tourists coming from all around the globe. Near to it, lies the Jargalant Valley which is the homeland of Khereid tribe; the tribe Chinggis Khaan belonged to, which makes the location best suited for revival of the great Mongolian traditions.Concept:Chinggis Khaan Palace has been incepted to appreciate, celebrate and revive the true essence of Mongolian culture. Most tourist resorts here depict Mongolian culture with an increased Buddhist influence, which at times overshadows the actual color of Mongolian traditions, and put them in the background. Keeping in view, that thousands all around the world long to experience nomadic Mongolian culture and hundreds visit the country for the same reason, it was imperative to take a step forward, and take an initiative by coming up with something more tangible. Structure:Established in 1992, complex has three main khurees. Khuree basically translates to a palace. Three Khurees; Ih, Baga and Tergen have their symbolic importance when it comes to glorifying the authentic version of Chinggis’ Empire. Ih Khuree stands tall on a 180 meter diameter plate. In the centre, there is a spacious hall called Ih Ord, primarily intended at holding events like meetings, conferences and weddings. Ih Ord has the capacity to hold 300-400 people.Baga Khuree rests on 100 meter diameter plate and is surrounded by two circles of 18 ghers. The main gher is called Altan Urguu-Golden Chamber. Altan Urguu is basically a VIP chamber that has been embellished with the finest pieces of Mongolian traditional art. Tergen Khuree lies on 70 meter diameter plate with a capacity of accommodating 700-800 people at the same time.Chinggis Khan Palace has strived to adopt modern architectural and construction trends into the account, along with embedding the traditional Mongolian aspects into the building. While it is important to reprise the dying culture, it is equally important to induce enhanced efficiency, safety and convenience, by employing cutting edge methodologies.Cultural Splendor:Along with the structure, it was vital to reprise Mongolian culture as a lifestyle. Tribes in Mongolia were generally nomadic, in nature. Animals being an important part of this lifestyle, Mongolians were fond of both herding and hunting. This transpires into a rampant usage of furs and hunted animal skins, while symbolizing the Mongolian culture. Famous Personalities:We have been honored by many famous personalities from all around the world. These iconic figures belong to politics, religion, art, sports and various other walks of life. Some of the figures of international stature who have visited us in the past includes; Kofi Annan, Angela Merkel, Jack Ma, the 14th Dalai Lama and many other heads of state and government, who have privileged us with their presence. Alongside, we are also paid visits by local Mongolian leaders and .celebrities on a regular basis.

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