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Монголын нууц товчоо аялал жуулчлалын цогцолбор / Mongolian secret history complex

Жаргалант сум, ТӨ (Ноён Уул гэдэг газар байрлалтай), Жаргалант сум , Төв аймаг Mongolia

Company Introduction: Our company is named after the book “The Secret History of the Mongolian” which was written in 1228-1241, a unique literary of Mongolian nation’s historical and cultural work also registered for the UNESCO as the remarkable cultural heritage. We are proud of being registered with this great name of the historical literature, in order to develop Mongolian cultural tourism further and promote this wonderful creation to the foreign and local tourists. We have been participating in many flourishing art environments such as, building monuments in the Chinggis Khan’s birth place to mark his life track. As well as, we have been taking parts in cultural activities as a sponsor company to contribute with historical culture. “The Secret History of the Mongolian” travel company has been successfully operating below two orientations with more than 40 skillful employees since 2005. Inbound Tour Operator:We run various tours across Mongolian and plan tailor- made itineraries for foreign and local tourists according to their interests and preferences. Also we offer short trips to the cultural track of ‘The Mongolian Secret History’ creation. Throughout the we will serve by qualified transportation with well experienced drivers for your safety, and you will be guided by professional and knowledgeable guides. Tourist and Recreation Complex:Our company has two tourism and recreation complexes. ‘The Secret of Ongi’ complex is located in Central Gobi Province and on the way of most popular tours across Mongolia. ‘The Mongolian Secret History’ complex, in Central Province, was established and put into service in November 2006. The camp itself is comfortable and luxurious, located in the beautiful landscape. Our aim is to bring high standard service to our guests and leave and superior satisfactory with farewell.

Үнэлгээ өгөх

Хариулт үлдээнэ үү

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IT үйлчилгээ, ecommerce, e-learning үйлчилгээ үзүүлж МУ-ын ААН-ын нэгдсэн сүлжээ болон гадаад багштай онлайн сургалт, сургууль ажиллуулдаг. Манай вэв хуудас болон апп-аар компанууд өөрсдийгөө дотоод, гадаадад сурталчилж, шууд холбогдож, бүтээгдхүүнээ зарах боломжтой. Улмаар аялал жуулчлал, хөдөө аж ахуй, мал аж ахуйн бүтээгдхүүн боловсруулах, үндэсний үйлдвэрлэлийг дэмжиж, малчдын орлогыг нэмэгдүүлэх, экспортын бүтээгдхүүн үйлдвэрлэхэд нь туслах эрхэм зорилготой.