Тус зочид буудал нь нийт 78 өрөөтэй, 10 давхартаа лоунж бар, 2,3 давхартаа тус бүр хүлээн авалтын 2 заал бүхий ресторан, 1 давхарт кофе шоп, тоглоомын төв, зоорийн давхартаа солонгос гэр ахуйн барааны дэлгүүр, үсчин зэрэг үйлчилгээтэй цогцолбор юм.Lion Hotel is a small beautiful hotel where you can feel Mongolian real hospitality. Lion hotel is located near to the central train station. So it is available for travelers who visit in Mongolia shortly. Long stay and group rates are available upon request.The Lion hotel has 3 types of 25 rooms complied 3 star hotel standards. There are 7 deluxe rooms, 9 semi deluxe rooms and 9 standard rooms. Billiard has 4 snookers, VIP room and 2 sauna with capacity 7-10 people. Mongolian, Asian and European cuisines are served in the restaurant which has capacity to receive 60 guests at once. The superior aspect of hotel that the staff can feel specific interest of each guests and serve them close conditions friendly. A heated indoor garage is available at Lion Hotel in case you need to take care of an automobile during your stay.Lion hotel is located just few minutes short walk to the Railway Station. So it is available for travelers who visit in Mongolia shortly. Long stay and group rates are available upon request.
Хариулт үлдээнэ үү