#МайханТолгой жуулчны бааз нь УБ хотоос 680 км Архангай аймгийн үзэсгэлэнт Тэрхийн Цагаан нуурын хөвөөнд байрлаж байна. Тус бааз нь 5-10-р сарын хооронд улирлын чанартай ажилладаг. 2-5 ор бүхий тохилог сайхан Монгол гэрүүдээс та хаалгаа нээмэгц нуурын үзэсгэлэнт байгалийг тольдон суух боломжтой. #MaikhanTolgoi camp is located 680 km from Ulaanbaatar city. The ger camp is seasonal in the summers, and tries to operate low harmful impact on the area. It has 22 twin occupancy gers, 8 triples and 3 summer wooden houses can be accommodated in these. There are also family or group size gers, with 4 & 5 beds. The gers have fire stoves and are beautifully decorated and breathtaking views can be enjoyed from inside. Showers and toilets are provided in two separate buildings. After swimming in the lake you can enjoy warm and cozy showers. It is five-star camping at its best. The camp is connected to central electricity system; here you can charge your laptops, cameras and batteries, which make your trip memorable for lifetime. We aim to create a comfortable and enjoyable environment for our guests and provide tailored services to our guests’ individual needs.
Хариулт үлдээнэ үү